List of the action plans

In the main menu Actions > action plans navigates to the list of active action plans for all the clusters, including churn clusters, cross-sell clusters, etc.

This is the list of ALL the action plans created from the clusters, past and present. Each action plan is associated to one cluster only, creating a cohort of subscriptions on which one or many actions can be applied and monitored over the time.

Each action of a plan can address differently sets of cluster's subscriptions. For instance, to differentiate under commitment and free of commitment, per marketing product name, per fixed service postal code, etc.

Each action plan summary displays :

  • The product family and cluster name associated to the action plan, with the cluster creation date as the cohort date
  • The creation date of the action plan
  • The list of the selected actions in the plan
  • The type of cluster addressed by the action plan : churn, cross-sell, up-sell, etc.
  • The status of the action plan :
    • New : just created : none action has been launched,
    • Active : one or many action have been started
    • Closed : allow the actions are closed or Abandoned
  • The summary of the cluster’s risk metrics : revenue, volume, ARPU and Horizon

The Search input text box allows to perform a filter across the name and the actions of the action plans.

The sort dropdown list allows to sort the list of action plans following different orders.

The list button allows to display the action plans as a list, instead of card view.

The Open button allow to open the action plan details (See Design of Action Plan)